Thursday, September 15, 2011

24 weeks 4 days

Well I am 6 months pregnant and still going strong! The baby as far as we can tell is healthy and strong, I’m healthy and the pregnancy seems to be progressing without a hitch. I'm feeling the baby move now which is very exciting :)

My OB has been a little concerned about my delivery.  I went yesterday to “delivery counseling” at a specialized hospital in regard to my heart. I had told her prior to this that my cardiologist had already cleared me for delivery and I had released those records to her—but a second opinion is always good. So, it wasn’t a surprise when this doctor told me that my PFO should not interfere with delivering vaginally. Of course CP could make delivery very difficult and I may end up with a C-section any way, but let’s take things one at a time.

Specific to CP

I am still active and mobile although I am exhausted ALL the time. I still am walking 2.5 miles every morning, although, by October I plan on cutting back. Someday's I do very well and others are complete torture—I don’t want to hurt myself, I am going to try and make prudent choices regarding my exercise. I’m really surprised I’ve made it this far and I believe that my walks are the number one reason I am still able to walk at this later stage in pregnancy.

My ankles are doing better and have stopped hurting and giving out. I did choose to stop physical therapy due to both the cost and quality of care that I was receiving. I am grateful for the tools and exercises received on my first visit, though, and credit that in part  for my current success.

A moderately boring post I know… but the good news is that, that is good news! I’m an exhausted woman with CP carrying a pregnancy better than expected. I hope that my boring posts can give HOPE to other woman with CP curious about pregnancy.

Next time I’ll have a Q&A post where I will answer a question about dating (the last Q&A brought about several questions on this subject) and I will be discussing my “birthing plan.”  Remember you can contact me at

1 comment:

  1. Not boring at all! I find it exciting. I remember surpassing all the doctor's expectations. He thought I would be bedridden at 3 months but as you, I kept moving and I never stopped until delivery.
