Tuesday, December 13, 2011

37 weeks

Yesterday was a very gratifying appointment. My physical therapist called my OB with my adductor measurements and now she is very comfortable with me having a vaginal delivery :)  Also the baby is finally in position to be delivered, He has been transverse or sideways every other time he's been checked, I am relieved things are coming together!

As far as my legs go, pain continues to escalate and I am less able to do things independently. I did stand up for the first time today, about 50 minutes ago, after hours of attempts, and was able to make it to the toilet. My legs were incredibly tight though and moving was very painful. I’ve decided to stay down until my husband is home from work, he will be able to loosen my muscles through massage and help me to bathe. It is very difficult for me to lose my independence like this, but it should only be temporary and bringing new life into the world often requires sacrifice.   


  1. oh bless your heart! That is so hard! I was once told though.... Heavenly Father makes the end uncomfortable and hard on purpose... Otherwise we would never be willing to go through labor and delivery, and just keep the baby in there!

    You are so close, keep the faith. Thinking of you, keep us posted!

  2. Aren't husbands just so awesome sometimes. Glad it is all going well. I have been keeping up as you well know I have been busy! But trying to catch up :)
